Date 2002/02/07 22:38:45
Name coolbug
Subject [펌]war3관련 brood bill roper인터뷰기사
An Interview with Bill Roper

There will not be any more delaying with Warcraft3" Bill Roper the major producer and also vice
president of Blizzard Entertainment had declared through this interview. Although Blizzard Entertainment
is well known for delaying release dates, he stressed Blizzard will never delay this time.

GameShot : Are you satisfied with Warcraft3?

Bill Roper : Of course. I am satisfied with it very much. It is new evolution compare to other existing
games. We have developed it so it can give one infinite enjoyment. Blizzard employees also are addicted
to it and playing Warcraft III all day long with great fun.

GameShot : Is there any relationship between Warcraft3 and WOW? Moreover, is there any plans about
expansion set of Warcraft3?

Bill Roper : The origin of WOW draws four years later in Azeroth of Warcraft III. It is same sphere to
Warcraft series. WOW also contains the same concept and history. There will be numerous units, monsters,
etc which had already shown up in previous Warcraft games. Generally, Warcraft is the mother to WOW.

GameShot : Is there any special favor for Korean gamers such as, Korean Units or Items

Bill Roper : Many of the Fantasy games based on the Europian legend, Myth, and history. However since
Korea is the one of large markets, we have been interested with Korean history and culture. As you
already know, there are Korean traditional items in Diablo2 had envidenced historically by Hanbitsoft.
(Korean distributor) So be it with Warcraft3.

GameShot : How balanced are the four races?

Bill Roper : Before we develop the Warcraft III, we have referred to Starcraft in order to create well
balanced game. So there will be many strategic features such as build order, food chain of units, and
the natural enemy relations, which can cause damage reflecting from target to attacker.

GameShot : How do you think of Warcraft3 compare to Emperor Battle for Dune or Battle Realm?

Bill Roper : It is hard to say because it depends on individual inclination. There is a resemblance of
RTS game between Warcraft3 and the others, But Warcraft3 is based on the foundation of Starcraft's
prosperity like well-harmonized unit organization, possibilities of various strategies. I am sure that
Warcraft3 will greatly appeal to gamers.

GameShot : Known estimated release date is June 2002. Can you assure it

Bill Roper : Exact date is quiet hard to tell, but I can promise that release date is in the first half.

GameShot : We heard that unit features of Warcraft3 are emphasized strongly, so Warcraft3 is considered
to be the RTS game converted from Diablo2. Is this right

Bill Roper : Heroes have many special abilities such as raising the morale of warriors, healing other
units, etc. Therefore, if one’s hero dies, he or she might have to change the strategy. However death
of hero won’t affect win or lose in a game.

GameShot : As a matter of fact, existing 3D RTS games have been all unsuccessful than anybody expected.
Can you say Warcraft3 will not follow these precedents?

Bill Roper : Warcraft3 is actually an RTS game that contains RPG features, therefore all players who
like the two genres can enjoy it. Since Warcraft3 has characters of both types, so there will be not
only Stracraft fans but also tons of new players with Warcraft3. The interface of game is very similar
to Starcraft, but many different factors like unrepentant accident and event, controlling and managing
heroes by many ways. So I can say that coming 3D RTS games will be successful after Warcraft3. I expect
Warcraft3 will bring even more popularity than that of Starcraft.

GameShot : It is known that Warcraft3 requires tactics rather than strategy. Is there any reasons for

Bill Roper : In Starcraft, we need to pay much attention and spent time to resource management and
defensive actions. But we think they partially obstructed the enjoyment of the game. So we have focused
on Offensive action, Weight of Battle to still more dynamic game.
GameShot : Do you have any information about Starcraft2?

Bill Roper : We have no time to think about Starcraft2 for now since Warcraft3 and WOW are in process of
development. But I promise Blizzard Entertainment 'will' make Starcraft2 at a later time.

Many thanks to Eccen of Warmasterz for the translation

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